Round 4: Torrington - Rugby Club

6th Jul 2016

NDRR Vet Ladies have been disqualified for fielding the same runner on first and third legs.

Senior Ladies

1. Bideford AC

12pts - 00:51:27
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Michelle Bright00:17:3900:17:39
Sara Colvin 00:17:2300:35:02
Jo Bedler00:16:2500:51:27

2. South Molton Strugglers

10pts - 00:53:12
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Jo Sleep00:17:1200:17:12
Heather Cooke00:17:2300:34:35
Stacey Parker00:18:3700:53:12

3. Torrington AC

8pts - 00:56:13
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Eevee Banbury00:15:4600:15:46
Chloe Kenneally00:20:3900:36:25
Claire Harris00:19:4800:56:13

4. North Devon RR

6pts - 00:57:56
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Sam Baker00:17:3500:17:35
Ali Apps00:20:4400:38:19
Jo Jones00:19:3700:57:56

Vet Ladies

1. Ilfracombe RC

12pts - 00:50:56
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Deborah Freeman00:19:1700:19:17
Becky Williamson00:16:0500:35:22
Beth Barrington00:15:3400:50:56

2. Torrington AC

10pts - 00:51:28
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Marilyn Blair00:16:1300:16:13
Lorraine Keneally00:16:5600:33:09
P Pyke00:18:1900:51:28

3. South Molton Strugglers

8pts - 00:55:09
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Elaine Fields00:18:1700:18:17
Bridget Hardy00:18:1900:36:36
Caroline Shapland00:18:3300:55:09

Vet Ladies Over 50

1. Torrington AC

12pts - 00:57:58
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Sue Martin00:21:3800:21:38
M Hillman00:19:1600:40:54
Marilyn Blair00:17:0400:57:58

2. North Devon RR

10pts - 01:04:42
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Ruth Crumby00:21:3900:21:39
Sue O'Grady00:23:3300:45:12
Edwina Stevenson00:19:3001:04:42

Senior Men

1. Bideford AC

12pts - 00:54:46
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Arron Kearney00:14:0000:14:00
Tom Ball00:15:1900:29:19
Andy Ingle00:12:5300:42:12
Dan Mapp00:12:3400:54:46

2. South Molton Strugglers

10pts - 00:57:29
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Ben Simmons00:13:4900:13:49
Ashley Bond00:14:2300:28:12
Dan Nettlefield00:14:1800:42:30
James Stanley00:14:5900:57:29

3. North Devon RR

8pts - 00:58:25
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Phil Thorne00:13:2500:13:25
Matt Adamson00:14:4600:28:11
Ian Macbeth00:14:3100:42:42
Simon Scotthorne00:15:4300:58:25

4. Torrington AC

6pts - 01:02:07
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Ollie Kenneally00:14:1600:14:16
Dave Lee00:15:4300:29:59
Peter Coates00:15:4200:45:41
Neil Reeby00:16:2601:02:07

5. Ilfracombe RC

4pts - 01:03:38
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Tim Reed00:14:2300:14:23
Dan Murdoch00:14:3500:28:58
Joe Mackenzie00:14:4600:43:44
Matt McArdle00:19:5401:03:38

Vet Men

1. Bideford AC

12pts - 00:55:24
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Ian Gooding00:12:5500:12:55
James Jewell00:14:1400:27:09
Gary Suggate00:14:0300:41:12
Brent Colvin00:14:1200:55:24

2. South Molton Strugglers

10pts - 00:56:11
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Mike Clark00:13:1100:13:11
Chris Murrin00:15:2600:28:37
Steve Abel00:13:5200:42:29
Jack Batchelor00:13:4200:56:11

3. North Devon RR

8pts - 01:00:14
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Shaun Watts00:16:3400:16:34
Andy Jeffery00:15:3400:32:08
Ian Hindes00:14:0900:46:17
Phil Thorne00:13:5701:00:14

4. Torrington AC

6pts - 01:02:39
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Wayne Stephens00:14:4000:14:40
Simon Tithecott00:14:4600:29:26
Wayne Stapleton00:16:5800:46:24
Jason Avery00:16:1501:02:39

5. Ilfracombe RC

4pts - 01:08:08
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Gavin Burnside00:15:3600:15:36
Peter Addison00:21:4900:37:25
Andrew Wooff00:15:4100:53:06
Tim Reed00:15:0201:08:08

Vet Men Over 50

1. North Devon RR

12pts - 01:03:58
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Simon Scotthorne00:15:1800:15:18
Jeff Butler00:16:1100:31:29
Aaron Rinder00:16:5800:48:27
Bryan Abell00:15:3101:03:58

2. Bideford AC

10pts - 01:06:26
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Nick Sturtridge00:16:1700:16:17
Paul Sturtridge00:17:4700:34:04
Pete Riggler00:15:5800:50:02
Clive Bright00:16:2401:06:26

3. Torrington AC

8pts - 01:11:45
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Steve Hay00:15:4200:15:42
Keith Hoadley00:17:2400:33:06
Nigel Cornish00:19:5400:53:00
Martin Warren00:18:4501:11:45

4. Ilfracombe RC

6pts - 01:15:22
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Jeff Warren00:18:5000:18:50
Pete Llamosa00:21:4700:40:37
Pete Westmacott00:17:3700:58:14
Gavin Burnside00:17:0801:15:22

Vet (any gender) Over 55

1. South Molton Strugglers

12pts - 01:02:41
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Ted Townsend00:19:2600:19:26
Andrew Samuel00:16:2400:35:50
Steve Hinchliffe00:26:5101:02:41

Junior Girls

1. Bideford AC

12pts - 00:57:11
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Elena Christley00:18:1100:18:11
Madison Tate00:20:2400:38:35
Nell Gierke00:18:3600:57:11

2. Torrington AC

10pts - 01:05:58
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
A Zaharia00:22:3400:22:34
N Cox00:20:5800:43:32
L Pyke00:22:2601:05:58

Junior Boys

1. Bideford AC

12pts - 00:54:32
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Fletcher Powe00:17:5100:17:51
Finn Tolson00:19:3200:37:23
Ben Tolson00:17:0900:54:32

Junior Mixed

1. Torrington AC

12pts - 00:53:20
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Eliza Banbury00:16:4000:16:40
Oakley Sharpe00:21:0100:37:41
Curtis Pyke00:15:3900:53:20

2. Bideford AC

10pts - 00:53:22
NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Harvey Reeves00:17:5600:17:56
Jack Cotgreave00:19:1000:37:06
Evan Suggate00:16:1600:53:22

B Teams


Senior Ladies - B

1. Bideford AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Leaha Davey00:19:4900:19:49
Rachel Williams00:19:2900:39:18
Liz Eggleton00:21:5901:01:17

2. Torrington AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
C Ham00:23:1200:23:12
M Saunders00:18:5500:42:07
V Hookway00:21:1701:03:24

Vet Ladies - B

1. Torrington AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
N Banbury00:18:5300:18:53
L Hobbs00:18:5700:37:50
T Anns00:20:1200:58:02

Senior Men - B

1. Bideford AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Keith Shapland00:13:1200:13:12
Andy Pearson00:15:4200:28:54
Gary Blight00:16:5000:45:44
Ronnie Richmond00:12:1700:58:01

2. South Molton Strugglers

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Paul Morgan00:14:3400:14:34
Paul Brayley00:15:5300:30:27
Grant Parker00:15:5200:46:19
Richard Connett00:15:2801:01:47

3. Torrington AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Jason Avery00:16:1500:16:15
Carl Murphy00:14:3800:30:53
Dom Scotting00:14:2600:45:19
Geb Norris00:19:0101:04:20

4. North Devon RR

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Pete Kniel00:18:2600:18:26
Tony Dyer00:26:5200:45:18
NO RUNNER01:00:0001:45:18
NO RUNNER01:00:0002:45:18

Vet Men - B

1. South Molton Strugglers

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Ian Wallace00:14:2800:14:28
Chris Simpson00:16:0300:30:31
Simon Joyce00:23:0100:53:32
Steve Mallen00:19:5901:13:31

Junior Girls - B

1. Bideford AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Hannah Neve00:20:1500:20:15
Amelia Dennis00:18:4900:39:04
Hannah Evans00:18:5500:57:59

Junior Boys - B

1. Bideford AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
Charlie Pilkington00:15:5800:15:58
Jamie Pincombe00:20:0700:36:05
Jamie Milsom00:17:3800:53:43

C Teams


Vet Ladies - C

1. Torrington AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
M Zaheria00:20:0700:20:07
L Nabb00:18:3800:38:45
L Hunter00:22:3101:01:16

Junior Boys - C

1. Bideford AC

NameLeg TimeCumulative Time
James Evans00:18:4200:18:42
Rupert Pocock00:15:5500:34:37
Cohen Phillips00:15:5500:50:32

Upcoming Meets

No upcoming meets

Current Standings


Senior Ladies

TeamTotal Points
Bideford AC70
South Molton Strugglers58
Ilfracombe RC40
North Devon RR38
Torrington AC24
Fremington Trailblazers20

Vet Ladies

TeamTotal Points
Ilfracombe RC66
Bideford AC58
Fremington Trailblazers46
North Devon RR42
South Molton Strugglers26
Torrington AC10

Vet Ladies Over 50

TeamTotal Points
South Molton Strugglers62
Fremington Trailblazers60
Torrington AC52
Bideford AC36
North Devon RR20
Ilfracombe RC12

Senior Men

TeamTotal Points
Bideford AC66
South Molton Strugglers64
Ilfracombe RC40
North Devon RR38
Torrington AC30
Fremington Trailblazers14

Vet Men

TeamTotal Points
Bideford AC70
Ilfracombe RC62
North Devon RR38
South Molton Strugglers36
Fremington Trailblazers30

Vet Men Over 50

TeamTotal Points
North Devon RR66
Bideford AC56
Ilfracombe RC50
Fremington Trailblazers36
Torrington AC18
South Molton Strugglers16

Vet (any gender) Over 60

TeamTotal Points
Torrington AC64
Bideford AC62
Fremington Trailblazers46
North Devon RR36
South Molton Strugglers20
Ilfracombe RC16

Junior Girls

TeamTotal Points
Bideford AC72

Junior Boys

TeamTotal Points
Bideford AC66
Ilfracombe RC64
South Molton Strugglers48
Fremington Trailblazers38

Junior Mixed

TeamTotal Points
Ilfracombe RC70
Bideford AC62